A Quick and Effective Relaxation Technique to Calm Your Nerves Today

By |November 21st, 2014|

A Quick and Effective Relaxation Technique to Calm Your Nerves Today!

This simple breathing exercise, called Respiratory Biofeedback, was designed by Dr. Philip Maffetone as a quick, yet extremely effective method of moving your body from a highly stressed or agitated state, to a quieter, calmer state in just five minutes.

Improve your Mood Today!

By |November 20th, 2014|

Have you ever stepped out of your house while rushing off to work or school in a frenzy, only to find a beautiful, quiet morning with a bright, blue, clear sky above you? Suddenly, just for a moment, everything stops and the worries and stresses of your day disappear – but only for a moment. Very quickly you find yourself back into that fight-or-flight state that we call just another typical day.

Autumn and Falling D

By |November 20th, 2014|

Autumn, my favorite season, is well under way. While it’s beautiful here in the northeast, I know what’s around the corner for many:

Dry, itchy, cracked, and raw skin
Sniffles, colds, and flus
Sadness or symptoms of depression during the winter months

Many of you are aware of the importance of vitamin D. Numerous studies have found that adequate vitamin D status is a key player in good health, while vitamin D deficiency is correlated with a weakened immune system and an increased risk of osteoporosis, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, fatigue, depression, and more.