Simple Interventions for Seasonal Allergies

By |March 16th, 2015|

Spring is Arriving! Are Your Allergies Acting Up?

I love the spring, but for some, spring brings thoughts of itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, congestion – seasonal allergies. Below I have listed a few alternative interventions for allergy season. Hopefully this will help you avoid those awful allergy medications. These recommendations are meant to be early-intervention strategies – and should continue throughout the season (or longer).

Thoughts on Soy…

By |February 23rd, 2015|

…and Some Better Protein Sources 
I am concerned about modern-day soy consumption. Many think of soy as a good, healthy protein choice. This is due in part, to studies over the years, which suggest that Asian women consuming small amounts of naturally fermented soy each day have a lower risk of cancer or cardiovascular disease. Cultures have traditionally incorporate

Enjoy A Better Cup of Hot Cocoa

By |February 2nd, 2015|

There are many foods that we give up on the path to health. There are also many delicious replacements. This post is about hot cocoa – a better, healthier version. 

Immune-Boosting Cider Tonic

By |January 13th, 2015|

Here is another effective and delicious homemade remedy to improve your health!

This product is more commonly referred to as fire cider. However, that name is now trademarked, to the disappointment of many herbalists who regularly recommend this recipe to friends, family, and clients for a host of health benefits – this stuff does much more than just boost the immune system. I’ve renamed mine cider tonic, for now.

Simple Steps to Increase Your Energy (and Why Energy Boosting Products are Draining You)

By |January 8th, 2015|

Need more energy?
Ready to make some real changes and finally feel like you again?
Quite often I am asked my opinion of the newest energy or metabolism-boosting product. Whether it is the latest product guaranteeing to help you lose weight quickly or something as common as the all-too popular energy drink, my advice is generally the same. Save your money, protect your health, and stay away from gimmicks. Here are some real solutions for your energy troubles.

Sleep Well and Feel Energized Tomorrow – Part I

By |December 19th, 2014|

Can’t focus? Memory fading? No energy or motivation?

Perhaps you need to get some good, restorative sleep tonight. When you sleep better, you will feel better, have much more energy, and see improvements in your mood.

Herbal Infusions

By |November 30th, 2014|

What is an herbal infusion?
aka: My Secret to Good Health.  An herbal infusion is basically just a very strong herbal tea. The benefits of an infusion over a typical cup of herbal tea are many. I get more nutrients and more therapeutic benefits in one cup of a well-made, well-crafted herbal infusion than I could get in several cups of a boxed herbal tea. I make at least one teapot – every day. It gives me energy, focus, vitamins, minerals, keeps me hydrated, and, by choosing adaptogenic or nervine herbs, my infusion calms my nerves and helps me better adapt to every day stress (this last benefit is the greatest!). I’m not myself without it!

My Secret Weapon to Keep the Immune System Strong

By |November 27th, 2014|

Elderberry Elixir

I have a host of preventative methods and early interventions to keep myself and my family healthy. Certain remedies tend to work better for certain people because we each have unique needs. What works very well for one person, may be ineffective, unsafe, or just plain unpalatable for another. However, this particular one is both tasty and effective for most everyone who has followed my recommendation.

Either as a daily preventative when those around me are sick, or at the first sign of illness, I make a large batch of elderberry elixir. I vary my recipe based on my specific goal. Am I trying to ward off a virus, ease a cough, or expel some yucky mucus? I start with the basic recipe below and make slight, but very effective, adjustments as needed – that is the beauty of herbs.