Need more energy?

Ready to make some real changes and finally feel like you again?

Quite often I am asked my opinion of the newest energy or metabolism-boosting product. Whether it is the latest product guaranteeing to help you lose weight quickly or something as common as the all-too popular energy drink, my advice is generally the same. Save your money, protect your health, and stay away from gimmicks. Here are some real solutions for your energy troubles.

Energy-boosting products often claim that your energy boost is coming from something natural: a vitamin or nutrient, or a blend of B vitamins. So it must be safe and healthy, right? Not really.

These products are primarily comprised of sugar, more sugar, caffeine, and possibly some extra stimulants as a bonus. Sometimes vitamins are added, but these are generally poor quality and not the form your body can actually utilize for energy.

Products claiming to boost energy may do so initially, but for very unhealthy reasons. 

Basically, you might as well grab a candy bar and a cup of coffee for the same effects – a sugar spike and caffeine rush followed by a hard crash. This is a terribly unhealthy path to follow.

Simple Steps to Increase Energy: Naturally and for the Long-Term

Read my sleep blogs here and here. Your body requires adequate sleep (and an early bedtime) to function well during the day.

Take an Active B Complex Daily

  • B6: in the form of Pyrodoxyl-5-Phosphate, rather than pyridoxine hydrochloride
  • B9 (Folate): in the form of L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate (MTHF). Please do NOT take B9 in the form of folic acid.
  • B12: in the form of methylcobalamin, rather than cyanocobalim.

At this time, I have not found any one perfect B complex. These are three key B vitamins in their active states. Seek out a holistic practitioner for guidance.

Increase your Minerals and Hydrate with Balancing Herbal Infusions

Many energy products add herbs with stimulant properties like Panax ginseng. Ginseng has many good and useful properties and works well when used properly. However, as with many herbs, it is not to be used haphazardly. I would not personally recommend this herb for someone who is very stressed or on edge, because it could be much too stimulating to the nervous system. I also do not recommend combining ginseng with caffeine or other stimulants, but that is what energy drinks are chock full of – caffeine and sugar.

Instead, try an herbal infusion for energy and focus. Blend skullcap, ginkgo, and gotu kola following my instructions for making infusions here.

One last thing – sugar and wheat are huge culprits in fatigue and brain-fog issues. Take the next step towards real health. Register to receive my free eBook, Detox: Ten Toxic Ingredients Ruining Your Health with Simple Solutions for Better Living. This is your guide to better health for energy and focus!