Simple Steps to Increase Your Energy (and Why Energy Boosting Products are Draining You)

By |January 8th, 2015|

Need more energy?
Ready to make some real changes and finally feel like you again?
Quite often I am asked my opinion of the newest energy or metabolism-boosting product. Whether it is the latest product guaranteeing to help you lose weight quickly or something as common as the all-too popular energy drink, my advice is generally the same. Save your money, protect your health, and stay away from gimmicks. Here are some real solutions for your energy troubles.

Sleep Well and Feel Energized Tomorrow – Part I

By |December 19th, 2014|

Can’t focus? Memory fading? No energy or motivation?

Perhaps you need to get some good, restorative sleep tonight. When you sleep better, you will feel better, have much more energy, and see improvements in your mood.

Autumn and Falling D

By |November 20th, 2014|

Autumn, my favorite season, is well under way. While it’s beautiful here in the northeast, I know what’s around the corner for many:

Dry, itchy, cracked, and raw skin
Sniffles, colds, and flus
Sadness or symptoms of depression during the winter months

Many of you are aware of the importance of vitamin D. Numerous studies have found that adequate vitamin D status is a key player in good health, while vitamin D deficiency is correlated with a weakened immune system and an increased risk of osteoporosis, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, fatigue, depression, and more.