Simple Interventions for Seasonal Allergies

By |March 16th, 2015|

Spring is Arriving! Are Your Allergies Acting Up?

I love the spring, but for some, spring brings thoughts of itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, congestion – seasonal allergies. Below I have listed a few alternative interventions for allergy season. Hopefully this will help you avoid those awful allergy medications. These recommendations are meant to be early-intervention strategies – and should continue throughout the season (or longer).

Thoughts on Soy…

By |February 23rd, 2015|

…and Some Better Protein Sources 
I am concerned about modern-day soy consumption. Many think of soy as a good, healthy protein choice. This is due in part, to studies over the years, which suggest that Asian women consuming small amounts of naturally fermented soy each day have a lower risk of cancer or cardiovascular disease. Cultures have traditionally incorporate