‘Tis the season for sniffles and sneezes, but it doesn’t have to be for you!

Here are some simple methods you should begin doing today to keep you healthy during the upcoming cold and flu season.

Keep the germs away: You know this: practice good hygiene to prevent the spread of illness. Wash your hands with soap and water and avoid touching your face, mouth, and eyes.

Eliminate sugar: Most people are consuming enormous amounts of sugar every day, yet sugar weakens your immune system. Even a glass of pure orange juice, often thought to help keep you healthy, will impair your immune response by 50% for 5 hours after consumption. Get your free copy of Detox to learn more about the harmful effects of sugar and how to eliminate it from your life.

Eat some vitamin C every day: Don’t turn to a bottle of ascorbic acid (that’s not vitamin C!)– get the real thing. Vitamin C is found in colorful fruits and vegetables including red peppers, leafy greens, citrus fruits, kiwi, and papaya (just to name a few). My favorite method of obtaining vitamin C, along with many other beneficial nutrients, is in my morning smoothie. In addition to berries or cherries, I add a slice of organic lemon, lime, or orange – peel and all!  My favorite Vitamin C tablet is Cataplex ACP from Standard Process

Consume probiotics: or Fermented vegetables to keep your gut healthy. Poor gut health equals a weak immune system. My probiotic of choice is ProSynbiotic from Standard Process because it contains both a prebiotic and probiotic.

Stay calm: Excessive stress makes you more susceptible to illness. Find ways to quiet your mind and recharge your body every day.  Check out this Quick and Effective Relaxation Technique!

These are just a few simple methods to keep your immune system strong this winter. The most important factor is diet. As you will hear me repeatedly emphasize: real food is the foundation to good health. Once you embrace a whole food diet, healing and true health will follow.

Interested in Buying Standard Process?

Standard Process products are sold exclusively through health care practitioners.  If you are interested in purchasing these products please contact me at maffetonewellness@gmail.com.